Program of the conference

You can download the book of abstracts here PCA2017_Book.pdf

April 17

9.30—10.20 Registration, coffee
10.20—10.30 Opening the conference
10.30—11.10 Vladimir Gerdt S-consistent difference approximations to PDEs and a new such approximation to Navier-Stokes equations abstract
11.10—11.40 Vladimir Kornyak Quantum Behavior in the Framework of Permutation Groups abstract
11.40—12.00 Coffee break
12.00—12.30 Ronen Peretz Applications of Steiner symmetrization to some extremal problems in geometric function theory abstract
12-30—13.00 Proskurin Nikolai On zeta functions of categories abstract
13.00—15.00 Lunch
15.00—15.30 Pasha Zusmanovich Special and exceptional mock-Lie algebras abstract
15.30—16.00 Alexandr Seliverstov An Approach to the Set Partition Problem abstract
16.00—16.30 Coffee break
16.30—17.00 Sergey Slavyanov Symmetries and apparent singularities for simplest Fuchsian equation abstract
17.00—17.30 Vladimir Gerdt and Yury Blinkov Gröbner bases difference approximations KDV abstract
17.30—18.00 Maksim Karev Real Hurwitz Numbers abstract

April 18

10.00—10.50 Alexander Bruno Further Algebraization of differential Equations and Applications abstract
11.00—11.30 Coffee break
11.30—12.10 Anatoly Vershik Linear ordering, RSK, Bernoulli scheme and representations
12.10—12.40 Gaiane Panina and Iosif Gordon Diagonal complexes abstract
13.00—15.00 Lunch
15.00—15.30 Eugeny Fominykh, Andrei Malyutin, and Aandrei Vesnin On Matveev\'s virtual 3-manifolds abstract
15.30—16.00 Sergei Soloviev Groups and Types abstract
16.00—16.30 Coffee break
16.30—17.00 Mikhail D. Malykh, Leonid A. Sevastianov Weierstrass Theory of Abelian Integrals and its Realization in Sage abstract
17.00—17.30 Yury Belousov, Andrei Malyutin Estimates on the semi-meandric crossing number of classical knots abstract
17.30—18.00 Aleksandr Mylläri, Nikolay Vassiliev and Anna Myullyari Equal Mass Free-Fall Three-Body Problem: Symbolic Dynamics, Numerical Investigation abstract

April 19

10.00—10.50 Dima Grigoriev On the computational complexity of symmetric functions abstract
10.50—11.20 Mikhail Babich On parametrization of nilpotent orbits of $Sp(N,C)$ abstract
11.20—11.50 Coffee break
11.50—12.15 Sergei Soloviev To Know or to Win: two different stories abstract
12.15—12.45 Fedor Petrov Zero divisors in group rings and combinatorial corollaries abstract
12.45—13.10 Semjon Adlaj Two formulas of planetary motion abstract
13.10-15.00 Lunch
15.00—15.30 Yuri Palii Parametrization of Conjugacy Classes Foliation on Lie Group Manifold abstract
15.30—16.00 Alexander Batkhin Global Parametrizations and Local Expansions of One Real Variety with Boundary abstract
16.00—16.30 Aleksandr Myllari and Nikita Gogin Computer modeling of finite-generated free projected planes abstract
16.30—17.00 Coffee break
17.00—17.30 Victor Edneral New Integrals of the Algaba System abstract
17.30—18.00 Evgeny Ilchenko and Gennadi Malaschonok Efficient Calculation Managing on a Cluster with Distributed Memory abstract
18.30 Chamber music Concert. Euler Institute

April 20

10.00—10.40 Tadashi Takahashi On the Restriction of Smooth Plane Sextics abstract
10.40—11.20 Alexander Tiskin Communication-efficient parallel Bruhat decomposition abstract
11.20—11.50 Coffee break
11.50—12.30 Alexander Chistov Efficient solving systems of polynomial equations with parametric coefficients abstract
12.30—13.00 David Jeffrey Riemann surfaces and Complex Branches abstract
13.00—14.30 Lunch
Bus Excursion around St.Petersburg.
The bus will start from the Andersen hotel at 14:30
19.00 Banquet

April 21

9.50—10.30 Alexander Bruno Solving the Polynomial Equations by Algorithms of Power Geometry abstract
10.30—11.00 Vasilii Duzhin and Nikolay Vassiliev The greedy sequences of Young diagrams produced by Markov processes on 2D and 3D Young graphs abstract
11.00—11.20 Coffee break
11.20—12.00 Nikolai Vavilov Higher composition laws, revisited
12.00-12.30 Alena Zhukova Relations between discrete and smooth Morse theories abstract
12.30—13.00 Ilya Krepkiy Kirchhoff group and new proofs of theorems about sandpile groups of graphs abstract
13.00—14.30 Lunch
14.30—14.55 Ioannis Parasidis Factorization Method for IDE and some eigenvalue problems abstract
14.55-15.20 Sergei Pozdniakov Computer algebra system as a pedagogical task abstract
15.20—15.50 Gennadi Malashonok MathPartner as an effective tool in Teaching Computer Algebra abstract
15.50—16.15 Ilya Posov Reuse of educational tasks that support e-learning automation abstract
16.10—17.00 Free round table discussion, Closing of the Conference, coffee