Program of the conference

The program of the conference is in these files pdf

You can download the book of abstracts here

Please contact the organizers if you see some collisions with your schedule.

April 18

10.00—11.00 Registration, coffee
11.00—11.10 Opening the conference
11.10—12.00 Vladimir V. Kornyak Emergence of quantum structures in permutation dynamics abstract
12.00—12.40 Nikolai V. Proskurin Short history of the field of characteristic 1 abstract
12.40—13.30 Gaiane Panina Oriented area is a perfect Morse function abstract
13.30—15.00 Lunch
15.00—15.40 Alexander Tiskin Efficient parallel string comparison abstract
15.40—16.10 Sergei D. Meshveliani Provable programming of algebra: particular points, examples abstract
16.10—16.40 Coffee break
16.40—17.25 Maxim Karev Universal finite-type invariant of plane curves abstract
17.25—18.00 Alexander Batkhin Parametric Representation of the Resonance Set of Polynomial abstract

April 19

10.00—10.50 Mark Spivakovsky John Nash's contributions to algebraic geometry abstract
11.00—11.30 Coffee break
11.30—12.20 V.Gerdt, A.Khvedelidze and Yu. Palii On the ring of local unitary invariants for mixed X-states of two qubits abstract
12.20—12.50 A. Khvedelidze and A.Torosyan On the separability of 2-qubit X-states abstract
13.00—15.00 Lunch
15.00—15.30 Alexandr V. Seliverstov On Cubic Hypersurfaces with Involutions abstract
15.30—16.00 Alexei Yu. Uteshev and Ivan Baravy Hankel polynomials in the interpolation problems abstract
16.00—16.30 Coffee break
16.30—17.00 Sergey Baranov Software Simulation as a Means to Estimate Feasibility of Real-Time Software Applications abstract
17.00—17.30 Andrei Malyutin Coloring triangulated surfaces abstract
17.30—18.00 Fedor Petrov Divided Symmetrization of Polynomials abstract

April 20

10.00—10.50 Dima Grigoriev Tropical Differential Equations abstract
10.50—11.20 Coffee break
11.20—12.00 Nikita Gogin and Mika Hirvensalo On the Generating Function of Discrete Chebyshev Polynomials abstract
12.00—12.45 Stesik O.L. and Slavyanov S.Yu. Maple package generating Painleve equations abstract
12.45—13.15 Ilya Krepkiy Construction of automorphisms of 3-ary necklaces abstract
13.00—15.00 Lunch
15.00—15.45 Semjon Adlaj Dzhanibekov's flipping nut and Feynman's wobbling plate abstract
15.45—16.15 Mikhail D. Malykh On M.N. Lagutinski method for integration of ordinary differential equations abstract
16.15—16.40 Slavyanov S.Yu., Satco D.A. Generation and annihilation of apparent singularities abstract
16.40—17.10 Coffee break
17.10—17.40 Yu. A. Blinkov, V.P. Gerdt and A. V. Mesyanzhin Generation of finitedifference approximations to differential systems by using the package SymPy
17.40—18.10 P. V. Fokin and Yu. A. Blinkov SymPy-ready algorithm for solving SAT problems using algebraic approach and ZDDss abstract
18.30 Chamber music Concert. Euler Institute

April 21

10.00—10.40 Alexander L. Chistov Extension of the Newton--Puiseux algorithm to the case of a nonzero characteristic ground field abstract
10.40—11.30 Nikolai Vavilov Bhargava higher composition laws, exceptional groups, and computer algebra abstract
11.30—11.50 Coffee break
11.50—12.30 Dmitry Pavlov and Nikolay Vassilyev On the computational complexity of the three-body initial value problem abstract
12.30—13.00 Yu. A. Blinkov, V.P. Gerdt and K. B. Marinov Computer algebra aided generation of difference approximations to quasilinear evolution equations abstract
12.30—14.00 Lunch
Bus Excursion around St.Petersburg and visit to Peter and Paul Fortress.
The bus will start from the Andersen hotel at 14:30
19.00 Banquet

April 22

10.00—10.40 David Jeffrey Integration of rational polynomial expressions in Rubi abstract
10.40—11.10 Vasily Duzhin and Nikolay Vassilyev Growth and oscillations of normalized dimensions of standard and strict Young diagrams abstract
11.10—11.40 Coffee break
11.40—12.20 Mikhail V. Babich Birational coordinates on nilpotent coadjoint orbits of SO(N,C) abstract
12.10—12.40 Ilia Posov Mathematical tasks with verifiable parametrized answers abstract
12.40—13.00 Sergei Pozdniakov and Vasiliy Akimushkin Tools for supporting of competitions and Olympiads abstract
13.00—15.00 Lunch
15.30—15.55 Victor Edneral On the Application of Modular Arithmetic for Cumbersome Computational Tasks abstract
16.00—17.00 Round table Discussion Closing of the Conference, coffee